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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

An appropriation-friendly, image-rich, experimental research library. Independent and open to the public.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Recent terrific donations

We've been recently pleased by the unexpected arrival of some terrific donations. We appreciate that people have been responding to the recent magazine article about us by noticing items around them that are appropriate for our library, and sending them to us. From Alisa Austin we received a half-dozen loose issues of the beautiful Arizona Highways from the early 1950s, which are good reading about an interesting turning point in the post-War mythology of the West.

From Gretchen Garner we received a copy of her 1980s book "An Art History of Ephemera." This artist's book is a catalog of her landscape photography. Its focus on the ephemeral landscape and the incidental forms of everyday life are in close keeping with our sensitivity for the un-seen environment, and her pictures of rhyming dis-used public spaces and incidental places fit in well with our collection of landscape-based ephemera:

Thanks also to old acquaintance Martha Bridegam, a local independent scholar and historian who has been using the library, and who recently dropped off some issues of the Klamath Tribes newspaper, adding to our collection important contextual documentation of the history of the contemporary Klamath water wars. Thank you, everyone! -- MSP


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